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Photo: Michael Groessinger/SalzburgerLand Tourismus
Bernkogel mountain on the horizon: Starting from the hotel, you’ll take the lakeside promenade towards Seestraße. At the edge of the forest, turn right towards Vorstadtl. Keep left at the crossroads, and at the beginning of the tree-lined walk (Berghof-Allee), turn right onto the Berghof Loop Trail (No. 4). Follow the path through the forest and across the snow-covered golf course, always moving straight ahead with the brook to your left. Then either cut through the wood or cross the sunny meadow toward Stadlbauer farm. Then head uphill again towards Berghof (No. 5), along the winter hiking trail or the tree-lined path to Vorstadtl and via Seestraße and the promenade back to the village.
On the trail of winter beauty: From the main square, you’ll pass Gasthof Bierführer restaurant and take Pröllergasse (Nr. 1) up Wienerberg mountain. Before the wood, take the winter hiking trail or the No. 2 Trail (Brauchtumsweg) at the edge of the wood towards Rohrmoos. Follow the road between the farm and stable down through the group of houses and past the restored smithy (Rohrmoosschmiede) to Altenhofstraße. Here, you’ll take either the road into the village or the path down across the snow-covered golf course and then the winter hiking trail back towards the village.
Hike from farm to farm: From the main square, you’ll pass Gasthof Bierführer restaurant and take Pröllergasse (No. 1) up Wienerberg mountain, then the No. 2 Trail (Brauchtumsweg) towards Rohrmoos. From there, take the road uphill and at the the little chapel (Zweiling-Kapelle) turn left to path No. 2 towards Buchberg mountain. At Beierlstein farm, between the house and the farm, turn onto the No. 8 Trail. At Eyersperghof farm, follow the road downhill, past Hackerhof farm down into the village (Rohrmoos-Dörfl) and back to Goldegg.
A dose of mountain sun: from Hotel zur Post, walk across the parking lot and along the promenade at the edge of the wood to the two-lane road. Cross the road, towards the rehabilitation centre up to the group of houses, continuing on the No. 3 Trail up the hill to Schönberg farm. Then follow the road downhill a short distance until the path (Nr. 3) forks to the right. Now enjoy the beautiful view of Goldegg along the ridge. At Judenhof farm, the route leads down to the left across the two-lane road towards Wienerberg mountain and on the No. 1 Trail back into Goldegg.
Our recommendation: At Wienerberg you can extend the loop, either on the No. 2 Trail (Brauchtumsweg) or across the field (Rohrmooswiese) towards Rohrmoosbauer farm and via the road back into Goldegg. Or you can take the Höhenweg Trail (No. 3) from Wienerberg mountain and Bodenleiten (nice view!) to Vorstadtl.
Mountains of snow: Gamskögerl mountain watches over the nearby village of Weng. From Goldegg, drive toward Böndlsee lake. At Trogerbauern farm before you get to the lake, follow the sign toward Meislsteinalm uphill until you reach the parking area at Irrsteinbauer farm (paid parking). Hike the serpentine path (No. 9) up to Hackeralm farm. Shortly before Meislsteinalm farm, the path forks toward Hirtenkapelle chapel. From the mountaintop you’ll enjoy a breathtaking panorama of the Hohe Tauern range to Hochkönig mountain and the Steinernes Meer range.
Our recommendation: Built in 1999, Hirtenkapelle is fairly young as far as these sorts of country chapels often go. There is a seating area around the stone baptismal font, and you can look through a small peephole to see the beautifully designed chapel.
Photo: Andreas Hechenberger