Picture: SalzburgerLand Tourismus
The Bergfex website has lots of cycling tips: bergfex.at
From hut to hut. At the street in front of the hotel, turn left at Schulgasse and keep on straight uphill out of the village. At Altenhofdörfl, before you get to the Buchberg ski lift, turn right on Rohrmoosgasse (No. 8). After you pass the restored blacksmith’s forge, take a sharp right between the farmhouse and stall, then take a left on the path up toward the chapel (Zweilingkapelle). At the chapel keep right until you get to Wengerstraße, where you’ll head down into the village of Weng. Turn left at the church, following the sign toward Böndlsee lake. At the chapel (Oberwengkapelle) on the edge of the village, take the road uphill toward Hochploin. The route winds its way up, giving you wonderful views of the Pongau and Pinzgau mountains. At a hairpin bend a little way after Hochploin, you’ll see the sign for the Meislsteinalm hut. From there, continue through the cattle gate to the Meislsteinalm hut (1,372 m) or a short distance farther downhill to the Hackeralm hut. This path also takes you down into the valley and meets the main road at Trogerbauern farm just before you get to Böndlsee lake. Turn left to go back to Weng and Goldegg either on the main road again or via March (for both options, follow the signs).
From lake to lake. From the hotel, head toward Dorfplatz square and then take a left to Gasthof Bierführer restaurant from there take Pröllergasse up Wienerberg mountain, continuing on until you reach the main road (Wenger Landesstraße). Cross carefully and proceed uphill toward Judenhof farm. Behind the house, take a left toward March. At the road (Wenger Landesstraße again), turn right down to Weng, proceeding through the village and going left at the church along Böndlseestraße until you reach the small lake. If you need to cool off, take a dip before you head around the lake and back to the hotel. Return on the same route or turn right at Kleinrohrerhof farm and head toward March, taking a right at Zweilingkapelle chapel and riding on down past Altenhof farm until you reach Buchbergstraße, where you’ll turn left to go back to the hotel.
Photo: Tourismusverband Goldegg
Sun and shade. From the hotel, head toward Dorfplatz square and then take a left to Gasthof Bierführer restaurant from there take Pröllergasse up Wienerberg mountain, continuing on until you reach the main road (Wenger Landesstraße). Take a left and ride on until you get to Weng. At the church to the right of the stream, take Putzengraben toward the city of Schwarzach. At the Schwarzach entry sign, turn right on Schernbergstraße, heading uphill toward Schernberg castle. You’ll go down through Schattau to get back to Goldegg. Watch for traffic as you turn onto the main road (Wenger Straße). Once you pass the castle, you’re almost to the hotel.
Photo: Wikipedia/Cabramon
A trip around the ski resort out of season. At the street in front of the hotel, turn left at Schulgasse and keep on straight uphill out of the village. At Altenhofdörfl, before you get to the Buchberg ski lift, turn right on Rohrmoosgasse (No. 8). After you pass the restored blacksmith’s forge, take a sharp right between the farmhouse and stall, then take a left on the path up toward the chapel (Zweilingkapelle). Keep left there until you see the sign down to the right with Große Buchbergrunde on it. Follow the path to Böndlseestraße, turn left there and continue on straight after Böndlsee lake. The path makes a loop and takes you uphill again. After a short section of forest, you’ll leave the tarmac road to Lend and take the path towards Scheiberbauer farm (be careful; it’s easy to miss). Soon you’ll be on the south side of Buchberg mountain high above the Salzach river valley. You’ll bike past Scheiberbauer farm and go through Bründling and Großbuchberg on the tarmac road past the golf course and back toward Goldegg and Hotel zur Post.
Photo: Josef Moser/Tourismusverband Salzburger Sonnenterrasse
Highs and lows. From the hotel, cross Marktl square, pass the castle, and at the stone cross head uphill into the Schattau part of Goldegg, continuing on towards Schernberg Castle, taking Schernbergstraße downhill into Schwarzach. Pass the church and the hospital, taking a left across Marktplatz square to the crossing, and then take the bridge across the Salzach river. Make a right, taking the bridge across the tracks, and then another right across the railway bridge and up Oberuntersberg mountain until you reach the reservoir for the hydroelectric plant. Continue on past the power plant through the pastures and downhill toward Posaunerwirt restaurant. Proceed through the tunnel under Pinzgauer Straße and along the river until you reach Lend. After the waterfall and the aluminium plant, you’ll take the bridge over the river and the train tracks, making a right on a narrow street heading straight up the mountain toward the rustic Ganzenhubhof inn, and from there you’ll continue on straight toward the hamlets of Maierhof and Altenhof, and back to the hotel.
Between Wengerberg mountain and the Salzach river valley. Ride to the Meislstein hut (see Meislstein Loop) and head down toward the Hackeralm hut. At Trogerbauer farm, take a right to Böndlsee lake. Pass the lake on the left and keep left after the lake to Scheiberbauer farm. A little past the farm, head downhill towards Lend, across the river and past the aluminium plant and the waterfall, following the bike path east along the river. In the bend in the slip road to the B311, leave the road and head straight through Niederuntersberg to the Brandstatt reservoir and then down into Schwarzach. Cross Marktplatz square and take a left at the church into Putzengraben. At the Schwarzach entry sign take a left uphill towards Richterhöhe mountain and Schernberg Castle through Schattau and into Goldegg and back to the hotel.
Photo: Mario Stockhausen/Salzburger Sonnenterasse