Body, mind and soul in harmony: Each year the historic rooms of Goldegg Castle play host to roughly 200 events on health, culture, creativity and the environment.
- 100 workshops on self-awareness and personal development, on staying healthy and enjoying life, on singing, dancing, and writing, on Far Eastern movement teachings and much more. View current schedule >
- 70 days of music, comedy, movies and exhibitions are part of a diverse cultural program. Along with readings, lectures and panel discussions (in German). View current schedule >
- 30 art courses at Goldegg Castle’s Malakademie (Painting Academy) with academically trained artists: from nudes, portraits and still lifes to watercolours, oil paintings, ink drawings and animation. View current schedule >
- Goldegger Dialoge (Goldegg Dialogs), for over 40 years, the three-day forum has featured progressive thinkers and visionaries from the German-speaking world such as Erwin Ringel, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Eugen Drewermann, Bärbel Wardetzki, Ariadne von Schirach and Joachim Bauer. View current schedule >